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dopus set background <file> [desktop|lister|req] [centre|tile] [precision <precision>] [custom]
dopus set background on

This command allows you to set the background picture for either the Desktop,
Listers, or Requesters.

The display will not be updated until a  refresh  is executed.

 file  specifies the path and filename of the background
picture to use.

If you do not specify either  desktop ,  lister  or  req , then desktop will
be assumed.

 precision  can be one of none, gui, icon, image, or exact.

The  custom  keyword allows you to change the backgrounds without
modifying the actual environment settings.

You must specify  custom  on both  dopus set background 
and  dopus refresh background  for it to work.

 on  enables backgrounds for DOpus.

For example,
        + dopus set background on
        + dopus set background 'DOpus5:Backgrounds/StoneWash.iff' desktop center precision exact
        + dopus set background 'DOpus5:Backgrounds/Marble.iff' desktop center custom

See also:

 dopus query 
 dopus query background 
 dopus refresh 
 dopus refresh background 
 dopus set 

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